Saturday Night
4:45 to 5:45 PM
Bible study currently studying
New Testament
6:00 PM
Blended/Casual Worship
as follows:
Songs accompanied by a piano
Readings from the Old Testament,
the Epistles and one of the Gospels
The Apostolic or Nicene Creed is confessed
The Lord's Supper is Celebrated
After worship on the first Saturday of the month there is a pot-luck supper
Sunday Morning
9:00 to 10:00 AM
Bible study currently studying
New Testament
10:00 to 10:30 Fellowship with donuts/coffee
10:30 Traditional/Liturgical Worship
as follows:
Hymns accompanied by Organ music
Readings from the Old Testament,
the Epistles and one of the Gospels
The Apostolic or Nicene Creed is confessed
The Lord's Supper is Celebrated
After worship on the fifth Sunday of the month there is usually a pot-luck lunch